Behaviour Support Therapy

– Support for children, youth and families who may be experiencing difficulties with self-regulation, behaviour, anxiety and/or social skills.
– Positive Behaviour
Support/Social Skills/ ABA therapy/Secret Agent Society/Anxiety management

Positive Behaviour Support

Knowing when to reach out for behaviour support can be a challenging process. When we are stressed or facing big feelings, it can be hard to communicate these thoughts proactively and positively. A cycle of responding with aggression, outbursts or other challenging behaviours may occur. We can work with you to harness control over these responses through environmental changes or to develop new skills. Behaviour Support is about providing the tools and techniques required with three goals in mind:

  • Reducing/removing the need for Restricted Practices
  • Increasing Quality of Life
  • Decreasing the frequency and severity of behaviours of concern.

Our Personalised plans create a clear and positive path forward.

What is the process of developing a Behaviour Support Plan?

1) First, we develop a Functional Behaviour Assessment
A Functional Assessment is a comprehensive assessment aimed at generating a formulation on what person uses or displays behaviours of concern. The information in the report informs the development of a Behaviour Support Plan and its implementation.

About You
Your Behaviour Practitioner will start by asking you about your history, health, preferred communications, likes and dislikes, general needs, and sensory needs.

Your Goals
We take note of your goals and aspirations and any challenging behaviours or behaviours you’re concerned about, including frequency, known triggers, outcomes and responses to the behaviours.

2) Next, we develop a Comprehensive Behaviour Support Plan
The comprehensive plan includes three areas – preventative/proactive strategies, skill-building programs and reactive/emergency management.

Proactive Strategies
Proactive Strategies are aimed to be used short term. This help prevents challenging behaviours from occurring in the first place. It can involve front loading, removing triggers and developing other preventative strategies.

Skill Building Programs
Skill-building programs aim to increase a person’s skills and knowledge in a targeted area. This can be the teaching of a replacement behaviour or the development of a new skill altogether.

Reactive Management
Reactive Management approaches are for when things go wrong. It provides a safe, consistent response for everyone and ensures positive relationships are maintained, reducing adverse outcomes.

3) Then we provide training, ongoing support and review
Our staff are a dedicated team and will monitor the progress towards goals, including tweaking strategies according to life events. Carers will be upskilled and trained in each element of the Behaviour Support Plan to ensure consistency.

How is Behaviour Support Funded through the NDIS?
Behaviour Support services are provided in the Capacity Building – Improved Relationships category. Within these categories, there are several subcategories:

Capacity Building – Improved Relationships:

  • Specialised Behaviour Support
  • Behaviour Management Plan and Training